Starting a non-profit corporation can truly help make the world a better place and add value to the community where you operate. People who start these corporations are largely driven by passion for a certain cause. Likewise, we at The Law Office of Kevork Adanas, P.C., are passionate about helping such people achieve their mission. Our non-profit corporation lawyer can assist you with your mission. We provide clear counseling and a full-spectrum of cost-effective legal services tailored specifically for non-profit corporations. 

Experts in Non-Profit Corporation Formation 

At The Law Office of Kevork Adanas, P.C., our lawyer can help you navigate through legal complexities and determine whether your corporation qualifies for the special tax-exempt status that is provided by US federal law under Section 501 (c) (3) of Internal Revenue Code. We can provide you with step by step assistance, ensuring that you successfully meet state requirements for registration and operation of a non-profit organization. Once you’re tax exempt, the donations that individuals make to your company will not be taxed, which is a huge advantage. Another advantage of forming a non-profit corporation is legal protection which ensures that founders and members are not held personally responsible for the non-profit corporation debts. 

Our experienced non-profit corporation lawyer can help you meet and maintain stringent criteria helping you get free from paying taxes. We have a strong grasp on the challenges that are faced by not-profit businesses like secular, religious and artistic-oriented corporations.

By leveraging our rich experience and profound knowledge, we can help you develop operating agreements, policies for regulatory compliance purposes and materials to support your charitable mission. Furthermore, our lawyer can also provide you with guidance for fundraising events, activities, reporting and other important issues that may otherwise serve as challenges. 

So, get in touch with us today. Call 201-592-9190 or email us right now to discuss your case and goals. We can provide you quality services on a flat fee basis with complete satisfaction. Give us a chance to serve you.